Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Nothing has come of any of it. She's great. She's a moody preteen who just turned ten but she's typical. The little scares never materialized. No flares. No symptoms. Just little bumps in the night that turn out to be nothing but shadows. Shadows of a living nightmare that even the brightest days can't drown out.
So we are cruising. Cruising through 4th grade. Headed towards an amazing summer. Loving life and health. Talking about hormones, boys, and life lessons. Talking about how to cope with disappointments instead of OCD. Talking about being a contributing member of the family instead of trying to talk her down as she crouches terrified on her headboard.
It's incredible. She's incredible.
Strength. Hope. Love.
A story of diagnosis and recovery from PANDAS "Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorder Associated with Strep" or PANS "Pediatric Acute-onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome", and Lyme. Symptoms occur or worsen quite suddenly. Most children do not have all of these symptoms but a a combination of OCD, motor tics, vocal tics, sensory processing (spd), Tourette Syndrome, urinary symptoms, insomnia, emotional lability, agitation, fears, separation anxiety, rages, or food refusal.